On Preziosa Magazine in the DESIGN section we talk about me!
You can read the full article here:https://www.preziosamagazine.com/anna-paparella-materiali-insoliti-lavorati-perlopiu-alluncinetto-per-il-suo-brand-sognandoloscirocco/
It often happens to me that good things come unexpectedly, I like to be continually surprised by life and what it has in store for me. This is one of the secrets of happiness and serenity.
One morning I thought of sending the email to Preziosa Magazine to test myself and try to understand how far I can go. I always sent her with the usual enthusiasm that characterizes me, but, precisely, without fantasizing too much about the outcome of my application. I try as much as possible to keep my feet on the ground when taking steps towards my success.
The answer came and even with a certain speed, it was positive, they had taken me. So at that moment I took off: it is pleasant to understand how high you can reach with constant effort, dedication and commitment. I have overcome another obstacle and I am proud of myself and of what I have managed to create and make concrete with my own strength.
I think it is appropriate to make mine the phrase of the great Ezio Bosso: “Do not wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect!
Little by little my path is taking shape, I’m not in a hurry, I have a dream to spread in the wind.