The southern newsstand, for the Puglia region, made a journey from north to south of Puglia to tell the creativity and female resourcefulness in the fashion field.
Among the 10 companies selected by the Puglia Region there is dreaming of the Scirocco Jewels.
Initially the disbelief took over on me, but the time was immediately to prepare for the interview, which would take place in my garden on a beautiful day of spring sunshine. I remember the fibrillation and extension of events, typical of any interview.
I was very excited, it could have been better, but I consider myself satisfied with this great result since among the other people’s Apulian women, chosen from the various candidates, I was there and this prides me.

From the Penna article of the journalist Method Stefania Di Mitrio, the salient points of thought are evident, dreaming of the jewels, like the reason for the name of the sirocco, wind of the warm lands of Syria and the link with my land: Puglia, mother of precious treasures and children in love.
One of the thoughts that I appreciated most was this: “My eyes shine in giving second life to a disused object”. With this thought, all my passion, predominant engine, is also underlined, which makes you move and think dreaming of the jewels.
I would like to emphasize the last paragraph: “Dreaming of the jewels jewels is another example of talented female entrepreneurship, of a dream that has become reality because as the artist says,” I slow my path is outlining, I am not in a hurry, I have a hurry I dream to spread in the wind ».