L”Apulian Runway Experience” è la Fashion Week della Puglia
Roma Jewelry Week 2024
Si è appena conclusa nella capitale la Roma Jewelry Week 2024
Video presentation of “Sognando lo Scirocco Jewels”
Dear customers and users, I attach below videos of my brand presentation, good vision! For those who want to can also view this interview given at the “Edicola del Sud” in May 2023. Per esempio le donne: Scirocco Jewels a Giovinazzo (BA) (youtube.com) I hope you enjoyed the vision.
The Cladocora – the only true coral reef of the Mediterranean Sea
The Cladocora is considered the only true coral reef of the Mediterranean Sea.
“Welcome Puglia in Canada”
“Welcome Puglia in Canada” è un evento organizzato dalla Regione Puglia, che si è svolto dal 19 al 21 giugno nella città di Vancouver in Canada.
Launch of the “Leaves in the wind” collection
Lancio collezione”Foglie nel vento”
Road to green – Rome 23 September 2021
💚WALLPAPERS BECOME BEAUTIFUL💚 Also this year I wanted to propose my candidacy to the “Road to green” contest and also this year my candidacy was accepted. On September 23, 2021, the conference was held in Rome at the Hotel Trustever. The contest was won by Carlos Miguel Commettant Arrieta, but the jury also awarded special prizes. I too have received some ! The architect and tiktoker Ilaria Tascioni wanted to reward me with “The wallpaper becomes beautiful”, a line of …
Sognando lo scirocco he found a home
Sognando lo Scirocco, he finally found a stable place, a house in which to show the best of himself and dissect all his essence. Many have told me that I am crazy to try my hand at such an important adventure in the historical period we are experiencing, but who decides the canons of madness? What is insanity exactly? I’d like to share with you Goethe’s idea about it: “Madness, at times, is nothing more than reason presented in a …
What we told each other at Road to green 2020
http://www.sognandolosciroccojewels.it/ participated in the “Road to green 2020” edition. What did we say to each other and what produced this interesting event? Waste as a problem or a resource? This is the question at the heart of the Forum The city of the future: Recycle to reduce CO2 emissions, learning to focus on secondary raw materials. At the Road to green event, in collaboration with Unirima, ideas and perspectives of #circulareconomy in Italy. An event designed to discuss concrete ideas …
In Altaroma contagious jewelry and accessories to exorcise Covid
I am happy to inform you of my participation in the exclusive event in ALTAROMA INTOWN organized by the Association of Precious Talents in collaboration with the Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery. http://www.trendstoday.it/trendstoday/ad-altaroma-in-mostra-bijoux-e-accessori-per-esorcizzare-il-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR1E9KMj-pwVEsEnLLmv5eErGsare7StGEixZ7m2G0LpWPRKLgED8Z0X9ZA Here I report one of the many articles published on the event that can be followed on the Altaroma platform today 15 September 2020 http://digitalrunway.altaroma.it/ . I participated with a jewel entitled “Projections”. I expressed the will to project ourselves into the future, free us from negativity, …
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